867-334-9233 love2thriftyukon @gmail.com
867-334-9233 love2thriftyukon @gmail.com
Susan Tinevez, President
Eileen Melnychuk, Vice President
Bruce Bennett, Secretary
Eleanor O'Donovan, Treasurer
Joshua Hunt, Director
Chris Howard, Director
Dori Zaluski , Director
Robyn Burns, Director
Contact the Board of Directors at wctssociety@gmail.com
We have a store manager, Kathie Murphy, working 35 hours a week
and a few casual employees totalling about 45 hours a week.
The rest of our work is done by volunteers (50-100 hours a week depending on the season).
(as per Application for Incorporation, 22 June 2018)
Our Purposes are:
1) To promote diversion of waste from the landfill and facilitate re-use, repair and re-purposing of used goods.
2) To make affordable donated, used household goods available to Yukoners.
3) To provide training, skills development, and work experience to persons with employment barriers.
4) To support the development of local arts and culture in Yukon by providing a source of donated, used materials to artists and artisans.
5) To promote community integration by encouraging volunteerism and engaging persons with disabilities as an integral component of operations.
6) To educate the public about how to reduce consumption and expenses, how to repair and re-purpose otherwise useless items, the importance of zero waste, and the benefits of an integrated community.
7) To raise funds for Yukon non-profit organizations.
(adopted by the Board of Directors, 25 March 2019)
We value:
1) Environmental and financial sustainability. We turn “waste” into wealth.
2) Community building. We create opportunities for those in our community who need them.
3)The passion and commitment of our staff and volunteers. We love to make a difference and see good things happen.
Our Vision:
We spark joy in others, whether it be finding that special or needed item at an affordable price, the knowledge that we have reduced the amount of waste in the world, the feeling of belonging and community that brings us together, or the financial contributions we make to other organizations making a difference in our community.
Our Mission:
The Whitehorse Community Thrift Store, a self-sustaining social enterprise, is a joyful, welcoming, and inclusive place where everyone in the community can:
a) Donate reusable items,
b) Purchase affordable things they can use,
c) Gather, and
d) Make a positive difference in the community.
Our Objectives:
1) Ensure a strong system of governance is in place, with role clarity for everyone.
2) Provide a positive experience for everyone who helps make the thrift store a success.
3) Cultivate a joyful shopping environment, conducive to maximizing thrift store profits.
4) Share the joy of turning “waste” into wealth.